Monday, July 29, 2013

Predisposition on The Use of Cellphones in School

 The Benefits of Letting Students Use Their Cell Phones During School Hours

A student using his cellphone
Cell phones are not allowed in most high schools. The policy regarding cell phones differs in most schools. Some schools do not allow students to use their cell phone at any point during the day, whether or not they are in school hours. Some schools allow students to use their phones before and after school, but once the school day has begun, they are not allowed out. Some schools allow cell phones to be used during lunchtime and in between classes.
Most teachers will most likely tell you that there is nothing positive about students using their cell phones during class time, and most people would agree, using the cell phones when they are not in class is completely different. There can be good that can come of students being allowed to use their cell phones during school hours, of course, they will most likely never be able to use them during class time.
Parents can keep in touch with their children during school. Sending them a text message or leaving them a voice mail when they need to tell them something that cannot wait until the end of the school day. Students can also contact their parents when they have forgotten something at home or have forgotten to tell them something. Students can also reach their friends to ask them a question about the homework if they missed an assignment or if they need notes.
In case there is an emergency (such as a school shooting), which everyone hopes will never happen at their child's school, a parent can easily be reached. Students with cell phones can reach their parents easily if something goes wrong at school, instead of all lining up to use the same phone, which could take hours depending on how many students there are. If there is an emergency, it is very important that students be able to reach a parent to let them know what is happening.
If a student has a medical problem, they can reach their parents if they do not want to go to the school nurse. If the student is in a position where they cannot get help from someone at school, they have their phone to contact the appropriate people such as the police or the hospital.
Cell phones are can be put on silence or vibrate if they are on, which does not cause a distraction if they are to ring. Students can make it so that their phones will not cause any disruptions during class and they still have access to them if they need it later on during the day. If the cell phone does not make any noise and the student is not using them during class time, there is no problem.
A cell phone is a very useful thing for someone to have. There are many benefits to having cell phones in schools, as long as the cell phones are not being used when students are in their classes. If students are at lunch or they are in between classes, the cell phone does not disrupt people who are trying to learn, and should not be a problem to anyone else.

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